Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Maharashrian saris

These are all very typical Maharashrian patterned saris, we think. (Anne and I were conjecturing) This is Smita, my favorite of Aunties. She wore 4 different saris on the day of the wedding. Check out the irridescent peacocks.
This is Anita, she speaks English. This was very much apprecitated by me and the rest of us Americans. Orange was a very popular color for the aunties' saris.
Sushima, this is Desh's mother. She was the first of a long line of women who heard that I was taking pictures of saris and decided I should take pictures of theirs. I had already surreptitious pictures of this sari because it is gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The saris are really beautiful. Wish I could have been there to see them. You know how much I love color. They are fabulous. G