Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A long day

Class started at 10 and is going until 8 tonight. Currently I'm on dinner break.

We have been doing workshop skills today and are finishing up this evening with a little more planning for the Cornwall performance next month. And I've been thinking- we're learning so many amazing, interesting things these days. We've been having composition lessons and these workshop skillz refresher classes and we just went to Kinnersley Castle for MapMaking and I'm so full of new and exciting information. We've been working with new tutors that I haven't necessarily spent that much time with and the thing is that while I'm totally excited and happy to be working with them- I am also very cognizant of the fact that this is, in a lot of ways, the home stretch of this programme. I haven't learned enough yet! I want to sit at their feet for a while longer and soak up all the knowledge they have and are sharing with us. I've been taking embarrassing amounts of notes and even so know that I am just scratching the surface.

I feel like I'm finally at a good place for learning all of these things- in terms of my confidence and my skill set and it's all going to end! Soon! No fair!

So much cool stuff in the world.

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